Trip to Hamburg!
A small trip to Hamburg at great autumn weather!

Sunshine, fun, romp on sunday in Hamburg!
Today we had another great and exciting day. First we were in a huge forest area with endless paths. And because the weather and the scenery were so beautiful, Barnaby and I were also photographed. The photos can also be seen here.
In any case, the walking paradise is probably called the “Black Mountains” and is located southwest of Hamburg.
After that, Ines & Don picked up an aluminum dog ramp for us in Hamburg. Then the trip went to the north of Hamburg. Probably also called Norderstedt. There was a fenced forest area - a bit small but ok. There we were able to play to our hearts’ content with many dogs of all sizes, colors and snouts.
Overall, the whole day was a lot of fun. We were so exhausted and tired, that we slept the rest of the day in the camper. But we noticed with one eye that Ines met her friends in a pizzeria. Don stayed with us in the camper and must have slept too 😆. After all he also got a pizza. It smelled delicious, unfortunately we didn’t get a bit. Finaly it was also nice, when we were reached back home: sofa time!